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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 06/23/2008
Lenox Community Preservation Committee
June 23, 2008

Members present:  Roscoe Sandlin (RS), Midge Sandlin (MS), Joe G.  Strauch (JGS), Jim Sorrentino (JS) and Fred Keator (FK).  

Olga Weiss (OW), Joseph Kellogg (JK) and Scott Pignatelli (SP) absent with notification.

Also in attendance: Mary Albertson (MA), Town Planner.

RS called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.  RS noted that Jim Sorrentino is the new representative from the Community Center Board.  It is his understanding that James Jurney, Jr. has volunteered to be the new Historical Commission representative and the Historical Commission will take action on this matter at its next meeting.  MA noted that Mr. Jurney contacted her earlier in the day to let her know he is out of town.  

RS stated that we need to refine the project selection process.   It was a good first year effort but we need to improve the process.

FK stated that we need to do a better job regarding outreach and education.  He still questions the money for the streetlight project.  RS agreed that we need to step-back and review the process.   MS is concerned that people who attended the public hearing as well as the other public participation meetings were project advocates and represented specific interests.    Discussion ensued regarding the Town Meeting amendment process.  FK would like to see separate warrant articles.  

Members decided that the committee should begin the public participation element earlier in the process.  The consensus was to dedicate one CPC meeting to each of the CPA categories.   The members need more information on community needs.  Members agreed that the current application is fine.  The committee members need to dedicate time early in the process to conduct an unbiased needs assessment so they can make more informed decisions on applications.  

Discussion ensued regarding how to get the general to public involved earlier in the process.  MA suggested that members talk to people in the community and encourage participation.  Members discussed making better use of the town website.  

JGS will follow-up with the Conservation Commission and JS will follow-up with the Community Center Board regarding open space and recreation needs.  MA said that she is in the process of finalizing the Open Space & Recreation Plan Update that was prepared by Joellyn Warren.  She will forward copies of the draft document to the CPC.  FK will talk to Marianne Young about recreation needs.   

The members set the following meeting schedule:

July 28 @ 7:30 PM – Discuss Affordable Housing Needs
August 25 @ 7:30 PM – Discuss Open Space & Recreation Needs
September 15 @ 7:30 PM – Discuss Historic Preservation Needs

MA suggested that the committee should consider notification letters for the projects that were approved at Town Meeting.  She distributed an example she found on the Community Coalition website.  Members agreed to review this example.  Members will also look at other examples on the Community Coalition website  Members should take action on this item at the next meeting.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Albertson, Town Planner